International Information about Light Bulbs
Hello world! For the english - also dutch, greek, italian & swedisch - speaking, I have collected links to articles, blogs and websites. Just follow the links. If you are interested in the german content of my website google will help Translation
Make lighting healthier - Nature
«... the public’s awareness of lighting issues must be raised. Researchers and lighting practitioners need to communicate the challenges. Healthy lighting design is becoming an important ethical issue that cannot be ignored. An increasing number of communities, such as Monterey in California, are winning lawsuits against municipalities for inappropriate LED city lighting.»
Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: A New Cancer Risk in Your Home - Alliance for Natural Health (ANH-USA)
»The Institute for Molecular and Nanoscale Innovation measured the release of mercury vapor from broken bulbs. They recorded concentrations near the bulb of up to 800 mcg/m3, which is eight times the average eight-hour occupational exposure limit allowed by OSHA (100 mcg/m3). Even more shocking, the recommended limit for children is a mere 0.2 mcg/m3. A child exposed to a broken CFL bulb will receive eight thousand times the recommended amount of mercury vapor!«
Action Alert! Please contact your legislators immediately and call for a repeal of the ban on incandescent lights. Tell them about the cancer risks and the lack of proper disposal methods. Please take action today!
One interesting posting:
»A few months ago my son and daughter-in-law remodeled their kitchen. Part of the remodeling was to put in recessed lights overhead and to use CFLs in them. From that time on every time I went to their house and sat with them at the kitchen table I coughed the whole time I was in there. If I would go upstairs to the computer room I would find relief. I usually go there to visit every week, and from the time they remodeled I coughed worse and worse with each visit. Today they turned the lights off when I was in their kitchen. Guess what!! I didn't cough.
I feel sorry for the people who want to believe those bulbs are safe. They will pay the price for this fantasy, and sadly, so will their children.«
In the Cold Light of Day: Energy-Saving Lamps - pdf (446 kb)
The End of the Light Bulb - The End of Healthy, Natural Lighting?
Text, comments, diagrams, tables, oscilloscope-/spectrumanalysis
from Wolfgang Maes, who tested for the german consumer magazine »Ökotest« (Ecotest) cfls (Ökotest 2008 - in german) and LEDs (Ökotest 11/2011 - also in german)
How LED Lighting May Compromise Your Health
Article & videos about the dangers from LED light bulbs
by Dr. Alexander Wunsch
Shining light on bulbs' appeal
Howard Brandstons fight to show incandescent lights are superior to CFLs
»That' s a 50-cent bulb, an Edison bulb, and it' s beautiful. Now, look at the CFL. It costs nearly 10 times as much and it' s incomplete, dull and flat.«
french - français
La fin de l' ampoule incandescence
- c' est la premiè re fois qu' on interdit totalement à la vente un produit non dangereux.
- les fluo-compactes sont beaucoup plus dangereuses pour la santé(voir video ci-dessous), mais le principe de pré caution n' est pas appliqué.
Lampe Fluo Compacte et Dégénérescence Maculaire
LFC et Enfants : Comprendre l' Alerte Sanitaire (pdf)
italian - italiano
La fregatura delle lampadine a basso consumo
radiazioni elettromagnetiche - mercurio - radiazioni UV
dutch - nederlands
- Gloeilampverbod dient geen enkel zinnig doel [Syp Wynia - Elsevier Weekblad]
- Gloeilampverbod uit 2009 was ‘een grote zwendel’
- Syp Wynia over het gloeilampverbod [Youtube 4:12 min 2017]
- Gloeilampverbod Big Business [Youtube 2:29 min 2009]
spanish - español
La Mentira de las bombillas de bajo consumo
Con la llegada al mercado de las bombillas de bajo consumo se logró reducir el gasto de energía pero no la contaminación. Su contenido en mercurio supone un peligro para la salud cuando se rompen y sus gases son inhalados. Este documental analiza las consecuencias.
Light and Engineering 20 #3 2012
english version |
russian version (pdf)
»Modern white LEDs have expressed bands of radiation in the blue band that fully accounts for the spectrum of photochemical damage to the retina and its pigment epithelium. Such radiation is increased danger to the eyes of children and adolescents, as their transparent double lenses in the blue region than the eyes of adults.«
Potential Danger of Light Emitting Diode Illumination to the Eye, in Children and Teenagers
LED Spectra and Melatonin Suppression Action Function
LED Lighting Industry: Opportunity or Health Hazard?
A Study on the Flicker of Commercial Lamps
Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency is not a Contradiction
Influence on Visual Working Capacity of Colour Decoration of the Workplace for Work
Rainbow Consulting - Building Biology
In the section »Compact Fluorescent Lamps« Katharina Gustavs provides information from
concerned scientists and consultants especially from Germany and Switzerland, but also from Canada and UK.
Save the bulb - An anti-campaign against the ban of incandescent lamp [englisch]
Les ampoules basse consommation fluocompactes
Progrè s ou désastre ?
Elles cumulent quatre inconvénients majeurs : elles contiennent du mercure, trè s toxique, que l' on retrouvera un jour en mer, et elles émettent àla fois des UV, des radiofréquences et des basses fréquences, ce qui en fait le produit le plus polluant àavoir été commercialisé àdes centaines de millions d' unités sur l' ensemble de la planè te
On banning the bulb
Antonis Christofides -
National Technical University of Athens
The savings in perspective
»In summary, all the fuss about CFLs is about a debatable 1% of alleged energy savings, accompanied by toxic waste, light pollution, and worse light quality.« [english/greek]
lamps economy
A dirty and dangerous product painted green [greek]
Light Bulb Clarity: New Electric Politics - Efficient energy and emission politics, with a focus on electricity [englisch]
"At one level, this is about light bulbs, energy efficiency regulations, and energy and emission policies.
At a deeper level, it' s about challenging accepted truths.
Few challenge accepted truths - that' s why they stay accepted.
Repeat supposed "facts" often enough, and many will believe them."
Accompanying blog: Freedom Light Bulb [englisch]
Hong Kong
Light Bulb Bans - How Big Government Is Literally Killing You
Dr. Robert Hanson criticized in an article of the print and web journal "Capitalism," light bulb bans and shows interesting perspectives. [english]
For example,the government uses taxpayer money to advertise saving lamps instead that manufacturers pay for their advertising itself.
CFLs? Think twice!
Very detailed information on the risks of energy saving lamps and LEDs, incorrect calculations of mercury emissions and rare earths [english und dutch]
De spaarlamp-ramp
The saving lamps disaster - information on the environmental health risks of energy saving lamps and LEDs [dutch]
The writer of this blog has no previous health conditions but suffers from this new type of lighting and tries to raise awareness of this unreported issue. [english]
This site is dedicated to lighting issues in general and CFL issues in particular. [english & swedish]
"After working with interior design and finding how essential the right type of light is for the appearance and functionality of any environment, lighting issues have become something of a special interest. With all the lies and exaggerations spread through every available channel by the organised anti-lightbulb campaign, I’ve felt it a duty to do my share in helping to clarify deliberately muddled light issues and informing the misinformed."
The Lampguide - Independent lamp guide for the confused consumer
providing detailed informations about Incandescent and Halogen Light, CFLs and LEDs.
South Africa
This lightbulb' s going to blow
A critical voice in South Africa, where is also planned a ban on incandescent bulbs.
United States
Lightsickness Personal page of Jesse, who is sufferung from modern lighting. You can tell your story, find resources, solutions and informations to take actions.[english]
CFLs: Get the facts
Critical health and safety issues [english]
International Incandescent Light Bulb Group
An international facebookgroup of writers, lighting designers, researchers, filmmakers, politicians and other people interested in the bulb.[bilingual german/english]
International Petitions
Signez la pétition
Signez et faites signer la pétition pour l' interdiction de l' importation et de la commercialisation des ampoules basse consommation et la ré-autorisation des ampoules àincandescence de 60 watts,...
Petitie: Spaar de gloeilamp
Human Lights Watch wil bereiken:
- Keuzevrijheid voor de consument. Natuurlijk licht van gloei- en halogeenlampen (=gloeilicht) moet beschikbaar blijven voor de consument en professionals.
- Eerlijke voorlichting aan de consument over het verschil tussen spaarlampen, ledlicht en gloeilicht. Ook op het gebied van lichtkwaliteit, kleurweergave, gezondheid en milieu.
- Zolang er nog geen betaalbare lamp op de markt is die een 100 RA (=100% natuurlijke kleurweergave) heeft moet de gloeilamp blijven.
Repeal The Ban On Incandescent Light Bulbs In Canada
Diese Petition wendet sich an die Bundesregierung von Kanada und sieht in Kompaktleuchtstofflampen eine große Gesundheitsgefahr.
Repeal The Ban On Incandescent Light Bulbs In Canad
Stop the Light Bulb Ban
The conservative MP Cheryl Gallant from Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke in Ontario has launched the website Stop the Light Bulb Ban. Supporters of Light Bulbs have the possibility to sign an email to the Minister of Natural Resources , the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Health and demand to repeal the ban on incandescent light bulbs.
Petition Against Ban On Incandescent Light Bulbs
This petition was created by Care, an environmental group
This petition is already closed.
Petition Against Ban On Incandescent Light Bulb
The IRLEN petition
This petition was initiated by the IRLEN Institute, which offers treatment options for reading and learning difficulties and headaches.
»Nearly one-quarter of the world' s population will suffer negative physical effects if this legislation is allowed to pass. For this portion of the population, fluorescent light triggers headaches, migraines, stomachaches, fatigue, eye strain, anxiety, and irritability.
Fluorescent lights can also negatively impact the immune system, literally making people sick.
Energy conservation is an important goal that we should strive to achieve, but there are ways to conserve energy that do not hurt 25% of the population.
Please don' t let your government hurt the people you love. Please sign the petition and send this information to others asking them to sign the petition. «
Protect migraineurs from compact fluorescent bulbs
This petition was created by Diana Lee, who herself suffers from migraines.
Protect migraineurs from compact fluorescent bulbs
My Home, My Choice -- Stop The Light Bulb Ban
This petition has been founded by Trishah Woolley on MoveOn.
Petition Background:
- There are better ways to save money on energy without taking away our choice of light bulbs.
- Stop the ban on incandescent light bulbs that favors more expensive, mercury toxin-filled, health damaging fluorescent bulbs.
- H.R.6, that imposes the ban, has no health exemption for people who suffer clinically verified physical distress from fluorescent.
My Home, My Choice -- Stop The Light Bulb Ban
Find more informations about petitions & campaigns on Freedom Light Bulb.
Aero-Tech Light Bulb Co.
is an American Manufacturer of Incandescent Lighting